Saturday, May 29, 2010

Childhood Vaccines

I would love to say that our table is adorned with beautiful and delicious food, but no. It is cluttered with books, pamphlets and papers about childhood vaccines. All new parents are finding themselves in this situation. I'm not opposed to vaccines, but so many at once. The recommendation for a baby's 2 month pediatrician appointment is a total of 8, combined into three injections.This seems severe and drastic for any person, of any age. Many rumors about autism have recently been debunked, but many ingredients despite this are frightening. Mercury has been taken out of children immunizations, but replaced with aluminum. This is another scary element and has been linked to Alzheimer's and the FDA has specific amounts not to exceed. However, vaccines can contain up to 3 times this allotment. I just can't get my head around that!

In defence of vaccines, without immunizations we will be dealing with the rise of these seemly distant diseases. The less people are vaccinated the greater the chance for many of these diseases to make a comeback. This has already been proven with the rise of Measles, Mumps and Pertussis. The Polio vaccine has helped to eradicated wild Polio from the Americas and this could be achieved worldwide.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! I have decided to educate myself the best I can. My family, friends, books and the Internet have all given me many facts and suggestions, giving me much to consider. Out of all this great advice I have found three references to be the most helpful. So, happy reading!

I have found a great blog that has Dr. Sears and Dr. Stephanie Cave's Alternative Vaccine Schedule.
The Daily Hammond
I found these very helpful. They recommend spreading out the vaccines and Dr. Cave's has them starting at 5 months. As I said before I'm not against Western medicine, I just have learned not to believe everything at face value. The medical industry is now driven and guided by insurance companies and drug manufacturers.

Another great blog!
The Natural Mommy
She has a great entry about the Pc vaccine.

I have also read The Vaccine Guide by Randall Neustaedter OMD. This has proven very helpful, but also scary! When you read anything that spells out the facts you become enlightened. I believe knowledge equals power but, what to do with this power. We all can say, "Oh, those side effects won't effect our child." We need to face the fact that they are affecting someone's child somewhere!

After much thought my husband and I decided at the 2 month appointment to start with the Pedi dt. This begins her protection of Tetanus and Diphtheria. I decided to hold off on the Pertussis because of the side effects and my ability to be a stay-at-home mom. I was also vaccinated with Dtap before leaving the hospital helping to protect her further. I had read that an infant is protected against Tetanus if the mother is current with her immunizations, but we have dogs. Tetanus can be found in the familiar places; rusty nails, deep cuts, dirty cuts, puncture can also be found in unfamiliar places like horse and dog feces. My dogs have the wonderful habit of eating horse poop. This, I'd imagine, would make the chance even higher that they could have Tetanus. I can't keep them away from her every second of the day, so I thought it best to protect her.

Be sure to double check everything you read on blogs, including mine!! We are just well intentioned parents sharing what we believe to be true.

Well, wish me luck and in return I wish every parent the same!!

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